понедельник, 22 ноября 2010 г.

Auto-reloading resources

Auto reloading resources are implemented for the Editor. Scripts, textures, models (by background thread, thus not stopping work), shaders are loading automatically after switching from editing application (Photoshop, 3ds max etc) into Editor.

Also - camera manipulation - zoom to selected objects, top, bottom, left, right, front back view of selected objects. UI for edit assets in external application (defined by OS), opening resource location in the Explorer, import from Assets window.

четверг, 18 ноября 2010 г.

Big face on landscape

During testing new features of the editor, I set landscape texture to random photo. Interesting effect, to walk on gigantic face!

New features are:
  • import of 3d models from FBX file by Autodesk FBX SDK
  • tracing of landscapes by tracing of heightmaps (faster then tracing actual geometry)
  • assigning of materials, scripts, audio files to objects by dragging from Explorer or Assets window
  • Scripts - editing by Notepad, assigning to object, removing.
  • Depth Pass before Geometry Buffer Pass, for Deferred Shading
  • Current insertion position, for cut-copy-paste

пятница, 5 ноября 2010 г.

Weekly editor image.

Deferred shading restored, shadow maps, landscapes
by clipmaps, translation and rotation of entities by
mouse with restriction by selected axis (x, y, z).

Plan for the next 2 months is prepared, to complete first version
of editor and engine.